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What I Bought at the Farmers' Market

Aug 24, 2016 | Joy McCarthy

I absolutely love this time of year! The weather is gorgeous (even if there is a heat wave) and the farmer's markets in Toronto are just overflowing with so much deliciousness! From tomatoes to berries, from leafy greens to cucumbers – there is something for everyone.

We are back from our Austrian adventure, so yesterday the three of us (Walker, Vienna and I) went to Dufferin Grove Farmers' Market in Toronto. 

After shopping, I sat on a grassy hill with Vienna and we filmed a fun video. In my latest video, I show you what I purchased and I also share with you some great tips to make your shopping experience as joyous as possible. 

Here's my video:

The great thing about this particular market is that most of the food is local and organic! I find that when you shop for fruits and veggies in season, organic is very affordable. Here are some great tips for shopping organic on a budget.

Those tomatoes I bought are incredibly sweet – they are nature's candy. I had them for lunch today along with a delicious salsa. I combined them with avocado, red onion, fresh basil and olive oil. This Uncomplicated Tomato Basil Salad is next on my list to eat!

I hope you enjoyed this video. Let me know what you've been buying lately at your local farmers' market in the comments!

Aug 24, 2016 BY Joy McCarthy
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